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4 Essential Back to School Conversations Every Parent Should Have


I’m definitely the type who thrives on checklists, and when it comes to the back-to-school rush, my list game is strong. Beyond the usual suspects—school supplies, doctor’s appointments, and new shoes—there’s one list that I consider crucial: the conversations I need to have with my child before they step into the new school year.

Today my son entered kindergarten and as kids navigate their way through school, repetition is key; hearing important messages from different angles helps them really sink in. Although the conversations at 5 years old may be different than at 10 or 15, I definitely want to take advantage of this teachable moment. And no, I’m not talking about reminders to clean up their room or finish their homework. I’m talking about the stuff that supports their emotional well-being and mental health as they head back to school.

Here are the top 4 chats I’m prioritizing this week:

Empowering Them to Seek Advice...

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