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Time and time again we hear stories about how cyber bullying can effect young people. From developing anxiety, depression, to hurting oneself or others. Unfortunately when people are behind their devices they tend to say things they would never say to someone's face. This is a multi-faced problem, but one thing I feel we could do better is to teach young people to expect haters in life. That not everyone will like them and that's okay. How to not let others' comments define them and how to handle a bully and mean comments. I have had my own experiences with this as well which helps me speak to this problem more. For parents, having open, honest, and frequent conversations is key and let your kids know they can talk to you about anything. You've got this! #cyberbullying #stopcyberbullying #cyber #haters #socialmedia #socialmediasavvy #talktoyourkids #wecanhelp #parenting101 #parentingblog #lamom #ocmom #lamoms #ocmoms #thetalkinstitute #thetalk #safetyfirst #besavvy #internetsafety #cybersafety #cybersafekids #socialmediatip #parentinghacks #cyberbully #cybersecurity

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